Regular Meeting – March 5, 2013


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman George Owen at 1604 hours.  Members present: George Owen, Dee Potter, Mike Williams, Bill Britton, and Larry Helsley.  Member absent: None Others present: Chief Alvord, Sleeper Ernie Curran, and Clerk Sheila Brewer.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2013 –  

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

      MSC: Helsley/Britton approved consent agenda as presented.


       III.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss/Approve - change the April meeting date - Chief Alvord explained the need to change the meeting date for April from the 2nd to the 9th.  MSC/Helsley/Potter to move the April meeting date to April 9, 2013.


B.     Discuss/Approve - Modification to the contract with Trinity County regarding the HEPA filter.  Chief Alvord explained the HEPA filter contract states that the county will purchase the replacement filters if funds are available. He has contacted Trinity County regarding making a modification to the contract to indicate that they would be responsible for purchasing the filters.  The county would not agree to that modification. He explained that he will be making the change to the contract, with the board’s approval, indicating that the county will purchase the filters, sign it and return it.  MSC Williams/Helsley to make the modification and return it to the county.


C.    Discuss/Approve – Request for road frontage sign on the oil school property for the Golden Age Center Blue Barn.  Jim Beeson explained that he has been working with the Golden Age Center (GAC) for the last few years.  The Blue Barn provides about 1/3 of the revenue for the GAC operations.  The GAC wishes to increase their budget by increasing sales at the Blue Barn. They are looking at the property that the oil school sits on for a directional sign pointing the way to the Blue Barn.  The sign will be approximately 4’ X 6’ or 4’ X 8’, he passed out an example of what the sign will look like.  The request was discussed among the board members and Mr. Beeson.  MSC Britton/Potter to agree to allow the sign to be placed on the oil school property.



A.    Hazard Reduction Progress Report – No Report 


B.     Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report –

·        Chief Alvord reported that he conducted a re-inspection at the schools. 

·        The plan review was completed on the Dollar General Store.  The plans show two buildings, but only one will be built at this time. 

·        He discussed with Wes at the water company about putting hydrants along the east connector when it gets underway. 

·        He presented a letter to RCD thanking them for the work on the maps.

·        Weaverville Hot Rod Club donated $500.00 to the explorer post toward the expenses for the academy.  They also donated $300.00 toward the restoration of the La France.

·        Driver Operator Class has started.  We have 27 students meeting at the Weaverville Fire Dept. and 7 in Hyampom via video from Weaverville. 

·        In April we will continue Thursday night classes with Wildland Fire Training, 67 hour class.  Commissioner Bill Britton advised he can provide the Cal Fire lesson plans.

·        We will be using the Shasta College facility in Redding on May 4 and 5 for live fire training.

·        On April 6 Larry Masterman will be teaching Multi-Casualty Incidents (MCI) Basic Operations here. 

·        In June there will be a Readiness class offered.

·        On June 1st there will be a Home Owner’s Fire Protection class held here. 

·        Chief Alvord explained that after looking at the budget and where we are right now, it was decided not to do the news letter because of the printing cost.

·        Chief Alvord and District Clerk Sheila Brewer will be going over to the county to talk with the auditor to discuss stream lining the budgeting process.

·        SCBA’s have all been tested.  It was determined that the straps need to be replaced. 

·        John Bauer, retired battalion chief from Redding, has sent the specks for the  new engine we hope to purchase with the AFG Grant.

·        The fuel pumps at the county yard are down right now, they are installing a new card reader.

·        We have been looking for the registration for 2131; we will need to request a duplicate title from DMV.

·        The total spent for equipment for the new engine is $2,704.82. 

·        Everything around the station is working well.

·        Commissioner Potter asked how much money the explorers made Saturday night at the spaghetti feed.  Chief Alvord advised $860.00.

·        The State Farm Grant for $5000.00 was received.  We had submitted the grant request for the new PPE’s. The vendor will be up next month to fit the firefighters. 


C.   Sleep Program Reports – Sleeper Curran would like to show the commissioners the lights he installed in 2151 as well as other projects he has been doing, and what his plans are for the station. 

Firefighter Curran, Chief Alvord and the commissioners walked around the station after the meeting was adjourned.


D    Committee Reports –

1.      Recruitment Committee – An ad. Has been placed in the paper for the district clerk position, twelve applications have been received.

2.      Collections Committee – 1 claim was scheduled for court on March 11 at 1330.  The claimant called just before the meeting and stated she will be in tomorrow to pay what is owed.

3.      Contract Committee – None

4.      Tuition Committee – None

5.      Budget Committee – None


E.      Director Reports –

         Commissioner Williams asked if we thought Daro Forslund could help with the          computer problems.  Scott advised he was in earlier and helped with some of the          problems.


         V.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: None


       VI.               CORRESPONDENCE: We received a letter from the State Treasures office regarding the Local Area Investment Fund (LAIF) that the district set up to purchase a new engine in 2003.  The fund has $328.72 in it; Chief Alvord asked the commission about closing the account.  It was agrees the account can be closed and the balance returned to the district.


     VII.               ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1645 hours.



__________________________                                    __________________________

     George Owen, Chairman                                                       Sheila Brewer, District Clerk